Bodhidharma, or “Dharma” for short, was born on December 18th, 2023. She was accepted into the Archer family on Valentine’s Day of 2024 . She is a fulltime employee of Minnesota Mental Health Services and a frequent participant at the private practice (if you count lying on meditation mats or taking a snooze). She is in the process of being certified to assist in the therapy process. For now, she is a great addition to the clinic as she encourages us all to PLAY!
Dharma was born on December 17th, 2023 in Mankato, Minnesota. Her mother Estell (black colored) and father Huey (sable) had a litter of 10 adorable pups: 7 girls and 3 boys. She comes from a long line of European working dogs. She has an enormous prey drive that is coupled with exceptional focus. The term “dharma” comes from Buddhism and is untranslatable in English. It comes close to “the law” (ordering the universe) or “the teaching” as well as “phenomenon.” The Dharma is attributed to the Buddha.
Dharma (February of 2024)
with Andrew Archer
Dharma joined Minnesota Mental Health Services in the winter of 2024. She exhibits incredible awareness and concentration as well as the ability to be spontaneous. Dharma never turns down an opportunity to play fetch or receive a belly rub.
“If you seek direct understanding, don’t hold on to any appearance whatsoever, and you’ll succeed. I have no other advice.”
Bloodstream Sermon